World’s Largest Lesson teaming up with Skype in the Classroom and the #TeachSDGs team to help students tackle Global Goals

2019-01-30 By 0 Comments

What world do your students want in 2030?

Instead of spending the first month of the year thinking about what we might give up, as many of us do traditionally, what if we took something up and set a new goal instead?

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development have three clear aims: to eliminate poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle the threat of climate change. This ambitious plan has a deadline: the year 2030.

What’s great about the Global Goals is their ambition and their breadth, and they cover all areas of sustainable development: economic, environmental and social. This means that students can find their own entry point to learning and taking action for the Goals. Perhaps their specific interest is animal welfare, or getting girls into education, or receiving a great job after their education. Myriad problems and challenges are covered by the Goals, so students can find the issues they care about.

The Global Goals are also just that – global. They present a unique opportunity for students to work together and to learn from each other on the different ways they can take action for the Goals. This is why I am excited that World’s Largest Lesson has partnered with Skype in the Classroom and the TeachSDGs team, to help more students from all over the world connect and learn from each other by creating a variety of resources and a teacher’s guide. By using Skype, students can experience real and meaningful interactions with one another and share their knowledge of the Goals.

Not only does this offer the opportunity to speak to different students, but the Goals also provide a real-life context for learning. The challenges the world faces are numerous and complex, but the Goals provide a plan for students to try and solve them. By using 21st century skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, emotional intelligence and creativity, students act on an opportunity to solve the problems they see reflected in their community together.

We’re really excited to see the new connections and actions taken by students using these resources, so please share them with us. Wishing you and your students a healthy, happy and Global Goals-inspired 2019!

A few words from a teacher…

In the world outside our classrooms, many teachers are feeling the stress of the current times. Each day seems to bring bad news, whether natural disasters or political conflicts. We all could use something positive to work toward, to take steps to better the world and teach our students that they can take action now, while they’re young. Many school mission statements involve the term “global citizens.” Let’s take action and make this a reality.

A clear path toward improving the world and teaching students about the potential of humanity is to incorporate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into what’s already happening in classrooms.

The Skype in the Classroom Activity Plan and related resources are powerful and easy-to-use to teach the Sustainable Development Goals while incorporating Skype.  Teachers around the world can use the tools for students of all ages. Here’s to improving the world by 2030!- Amy Rosenstein, 3rd Grade Teacher, NY, #TeachSDGs co-founder.

Wondering how you can get your classroom involved?

  1. Explore all the Global Goals related Skype sessions and schedule one for your classroom- you can either connect with a class or invite an expert!
  2. Download the NEW SDGs Activity Plan which includes a teacher’s guide and is aligned to ISTE Standards.
  3. Download our pledge cards, a letter to parents, and a certificate for your students.

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